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Zappy Promo Image

Zapier, a leader in the remote-working world, has released a Mac-only screen capture and annotation tool called . Here’s everything you need to know about this new application, and if you should use it over Apple’s built-in options.

远程工作世界的领导者Zapier发布了一个名为的仅限Mac的屏幕捕获和注释工具。 这是您需要了解的有关此新应用程序的所有信息,以及是否应通过Apple的内置选项使用它。

Zappy Snappy屏幕捕获工具 (Zappy the Snappy Screen Capture Tool)

Zapier’s screen-capture tool, appropriately named Zappy, was originally an internal-only tool built to improve speed and efficiency between the company’s remote teams. This isn’t surprising, considering the company employs 300+ remote workers and, to this day, is one of the most successful remote-only companies in the world. Zapier creating a no-nonsense screen-capture tool just makes sense.

Zapier的屏幕捕获工具(适当地称为Zappy)最初是仅供内部使用的工具,旨在提高公司远程团队之间的速度和效率。 考虑到该公司雇用了300多名远程员工,并且迄今为止,它已成为世界上最成功的仅远程公司之一,这不足为奇。 Zapier创建一个无意义的屏幕捕获工具很有意义。

Now that the vast majority of the world is suddenly working from home, Zapier has released Zappy to the public. It’s only available for Mac, and you have to have a Zapier account, but the program is completely free. Anyone who has a Zapier  can also take advantage of the company’s hosting services, which allows you to get a screen capture to its destination a bit faster.

现在,全世界绝大多数人突然在家工作,Zapier已将Zappy公开发布。 它仅适用于Mac,并且您必须具有Zapier帐户,但是该程序是完全免费的。 拥有Zapier 任何人都可以利用公司的托管服务,这使您可以更快地将屏幕截图捕获到目的地。

One of the things I love about Zappy is how incredibly easy it is to use. I annotate a lot of . On Windows, I’ve always used , which I absolutely love.

我喜欢Zappy的一件事是它的使用非常简单。 我注释了很多 。 在Windows上,我一直使用我绝对喜欢的 。

On Mac, though, there was nothing comparable until Zappy. Although Zappy doesn’t provide all the features Screenpresso does, it’s not really meant to. It’s designed to improve efficiency, so it does what needs to be done without being too complicated to use.

但是,在Mac上,只有Zappy才具有可比性。 尽管Zappy并未提供Screenpresso提供的所有功能,但实际上并没有提供。 它旨在提高效率,因此它可以做需要做的事情而不会太复杂。

Zappy的来龙去脉 (The Ins and Outs of Zappy)

To get started with Zappy, you’ll first need to . On the landing page, just click “Download Zappy for Free” and the download will begin.

要开始使用Zappy,您首先需要 。 在登录页面上,只需单击“免费下载Zappy”,即可开始下载。

Download Zappy

After the installation process is complete, run Zappy. A little icon will appear in the top task bar; click it, and then sign in to your to get started. Create an account if you don’t already have one.

安装过程完成后,运行Zappy。 顶部任务栏中将出现一个小图标。 单击它,然后登录到您的以开始使用。 如果您还没有帐户,请创建一个。

sign in to Zapier

After you sign in, click the Gear icon at the top right. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

登录后,点击右上角的Gear图标。 从下拉菜单中选择“设置”。

Settings icon

The “Screen Capture Shortcut” is the only setting here. By default, it’s set to “Command+Shift+1,” but you can change it to anything you want. To do so, click the text box, and then type the combination you want to use.

“屏幕捕获快捷方式”是此处的唯一设置。 默认情况下,它设置为“ Command + Shift + 1”,但您可以将其更改为所需的任何内容。 这样做,请单击文本框,然后键入要使用的组合。

shortcut key

Use your selected shortcut, and then click and drag the cursor to take a screenshot. The screenshot window will appear. The size of the screenshot (in pixels) will appear above the screenshot.

使用您选择的快捷方式,然后单击并拖动光标以截屏。 屏幕截图窗口将会出现。 屏幕截图的大小(以像素为单位)将显示在屏幕截图上方。

pixel size of the screenshot

You can adjust the portion of the screen you want to capture. To do so, just click and drag the corners of the screenshot overlay. This saves you from having to redo the process if you mess up and don’t drag the window over everything you want to capture.

您可以调整要捕获的屏幕部分。 为此,只需单击并拖动屏幕截图叠加的角即可。 如果您搞砸了,并且不必将窗口拖到要捕获的所有内容上,这将使您不必重做该过程。

click and drag border

If you want to draw an arrow, click the Arrow icon at the bottom left.


select the arrow icon

Zappy also has a few other annotation options you can use; click the down-arrow next to the Arrow icon to open the drop-down menu.

Zappy还可以使用其他一些注释选项。 单击“箭头”图标旁边的向下箭头以打开下拉菜单。

You can click “Pen” to do a freestyle drawing or “Text” to type a quick message. You can also choose from five different colors.

您可以单击“笔”进行自由样式绘制,或单击“文本”以键入快速消息。 您还可以从五种不同的颜色中进行选择。

annotation options

When you’re ready to capture your screen, click the Camera icon.


camera icon

Alternatively, if you want to record a quick video, click the Camcorder icon.


camcorder icon

Click the Gear icon if you want to adjust the quality or format of an image or video.


format and quality menu

As easy and fun as Zappy was to use, I did run into a few big downsides. First, you can’t tell Zappy where to store your images and videos. By default, it stores them in Pictures > Zappy.

尽管使用Zappy既轻松又有趣,但我确实遇到了一些重大缺点。 首先,您无法告诉Zappy将图像和视频存储在何处。 默认情况下,它将它们存储在“图片”>“ Zappy”中。

There also isn’t a feature that allows you to add a border around a screenshot. This is important if the background of the image is the same color as the background where you insert it. For example, if you take a screenshot with a white background and place it in a Word document, the image will bleed into the background.

还没有允许您在屏幕截图周围添加边框的功能。 如果图像的背景颜色与插入背景的颜色相同,则这一点很重要。 例如,如果您使用白色背景截屏并将其放置在Word文档中,则图像将渗入背景。

Zappy适合您吗? (Is Zappy for You?)

Zappy is an amazing screen-capture tool if you use a Mac. It’s free, easy to use, and has most of the basic functions you need in a screen-capture tool. While it’s lacking a few important features, Zappy is still in Early Access, so I’m hopeful Zapier will add these later.

如果您使用Mac,Zappy是一个了不起的屏幕捕获工具。 它是免费的,易于使用的,并且具有屏幕捕获工具中所需的大多数基本功能。 尽管缺少一些重要功能,但Zappy仍在Early Access中,因此我希望Zapier稍后再添加这些功能。

Ultimately, Zappy makes taking and annotating screenshots extremely easy. It’s now my go-to screen-capture tool on my Mac.

最终,Zappy使得截取和注释截图非常容易。 现在,这是Mac上的首选屏幕捕获工具。



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